Envious Digital is excited to invite you along to our open morning
Envious Digital Open Morning (with coffee and cake)
As part of the recent new Envious Digital website launch, we are running an open morning for people who are interested in anything website related! To give you a taster of what to expect, we have made this blog post with all the information.
We are having an open morning for anyone who wants to come and talk about creating a new website
We’re hosting an open morning at Envious Digital for anyone who wants to come and talk about creating a new website or to talk about any other issues or queries you may have website related. We’ll be available to answer any questions you have, and we’ll also be offering coffee and pastries for everyone who comes by.
We hope to see you there!
We can also help with updating or fixing an existing wordpress website
We can also help with updating or fixing an existing website. If you have an old website that is in need of a facelift, or if you have a new website that is not quite working the way you want it to, we can help. We can work with you to update the look of your site, and to troubleshoot any problems you may be having with it.
Our open morning is on the 29th of November at 9am-12pm
Envious Digital will be hosting an open morning on the 29th of November from 9am to 12pm. All are welcome to come and speak to us directly about all different types of websites. Or just learn a little more about what we can do for yours!
Our open morning is the perfect opportunity to learn more about Envious Digital and what goes into making our creative websites.
If you are interested in coming, please let us know below

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