Got a question about websites? Call us!


Envious Digital prides itself on the customer service and support we provide to our clients. Therefore, we want to help by presenting the most frequently asked questions, filterable by topic.


Here are our most frequently asked questions. If there is anything else you would like to know about, please do contact us and we will do our very best to help.


Mapped out and bespoke websites and applications

Will I have a dedicated Account Manager?

Yes. Rather than expecting you to communicate with the different members of our team working on your project, you will have one Account Manager who…

purely looks after you, your project, and its deliverables.

Mapped out and bespoke websites and applications

What type of businesses do you work with?

We have experience in a wide range of sectors and industries, from B2C eCommerce solutions to public sector product microsites.

Mapped out and bespoke websites and applications

I have an existing website. Do you offer hosting and care plans separately?

Yes that’s fine. We can help with migrating the site to our hosting and after auditing your website’s infrastructure, we can recommend the right care plan for you…

Mapped out and bespoke websites and applications

Do you have website packages?

Not really. As every client’s objectives and requirements are different, there is no ‘one size fits all’. We provide an initial consultation to…

establish what the requirements will be, then supply a comprehensive proposal that is tailored to that specific project.

Mapped out and bespoke websites and applications

How do I know what stage of the project you are at?

We subscribe to an online collaboration tool that allows us to communicate with each other in one place. All key milestones are made clear here with the…

date the task is due, and who is responsible. For more information, visit our Beta Release page.

Mapped out and bespoke websites and applications

I already have a designer, do you offer purely website development?

Of course! We frequently work with other agencies to pull the project together. We can replicate the supplied designs and develop the rest of the website accordingly.

Web Design Process

Creative website designs to elevate your brand

Do you design for mobile phones and tablets?

Absolutely. Whilst Google now ranks websites on ‘mobile first’, we still focus on desktop design first. This ‘sets the tone’ for other devices and…

we can refine images, videos, and content placement for mobiles and tablets after the initial development has been completed. This saves time and costs because once you have signed off on the initial design and developed site, we can make any changes to the mobile and tablet versions once, rather than on all three during the previous processes.

Creative website designs to elevate your brand

I have a strong idea about the design I would like. Is that okay?

We always listen to what our clients want, especially if they have a very specific idea in mind. If we feel that this doesn’t meet the brief or moves…

away from the brand’s strength, we will say so though. When we do this, we will also explain our reasons so our clients can consider the full facts and reasons around why we may challenge an idea.

Creative website designs to elevate your brand

Do you add animation to design – or is that during development?

When our creative designer is producing the design, they will converse with the website developer to ensure they are happy with the ideas around animation…

without detriment to the site’s structure overall. Animation is a great thing to include to attract attention to specific areas and add interest to content heavy website pages.

Creative website designs to elevate your brand

Do you do website design without then doing the development?

We work closely with many external agencies. If you already have an existing relationship with a website development agency that you would like to maintain…

we will of course be happy to work with them in the same way as we would do if we were also developing the site.

Creative website designs to elevate your brand

We already have a website designed – can you replicate and redevelop what we have?

Certainly! We would also be happy to critique the existing design if necessary and apply any changes whilst we rebuild the website. But if you would…

like to be a client of Envious Digital on either the WordPress platform or our bespoke development, we would be happy to rebuild your existing site – or take a design produced by another designer.

Website Design

Art designed websites

How long does it take to design and build a website?

This varies from project to project but all timelines are agreed upon with our clients at the beginning of all of our projects. On average…

the design process would be completed 3-4 weeks from commencement. Based on our experience in website design and development, we follow a rigid planning process that allows full control and an entirely smooth process. You can read more about our process here.

Art designed websites

How do you start designing a website?

We start the process by having a full consultation with our clients. This allows us to listen to what the business needs are and really understand…

what they need to achieve. From this, we are able to write a brief for our designers to then create two to three key pages. We talk these through with our clients, listen to any immediate feedback, and make any revisions necessary.

Art designed websites

How much written content will I need to provide?

Before we do anything, our first task is to write a website specification that outlines the sitemap, and documents what each page is going to contain in…

full detail. Once this is agreed upon by our clients, we use this to create a list of tasks on our project collaboration tool. This will also specify all the pages and a breakdown of the content types that we will need to be supplied with.

Art designed websites

Do we need to supply our own photography?

Real-life photography can sometimes be better than stock, especially if the design is to showcase specific products. We appreciate that having photography…

or sourcing fresh content isn’t always possible. In those situations, we use a royalty-free high quality image library to source compelling imagery that suits the purpose of the content. We apply our own style to them to ensure they look as original as possible.

Art designed websites

How many sets of changes to design do you provide?

As many as you like! In reality, our experience in website design and development results in very few changes being requested, and in most cases, we hit the…

nail on the head the first time around. It is really important to us that our clients feel we have grasped the concept of the look and feel along with the structure, so we invite them to feedback as much as they like. To allow for smooth project production, we always wait for design sign-off before commencing development.


Envious digital offer a range of website services

Can WordPress be used for eCommerce stores?

Absolutely.. WordPress predominantly uses WooCommerce as the transactional plugin to facilitate online stores. On top of this, WooCommerce can integrate…

with a wide variety of CRM and EPOS systems.

Envious digital offer a range of website services

I have a WordPress website that is hugely out of date. Can Envious Digital help get it moved over to your hosting and run maintenance on it?

In most cases, yes! Our plan would be to take a full backup of your website, create a development site on our servers…

and run the updates on this to see how it performs. We would show you this site so you can go through it and make sure everything is as it should be, before we switch this new, updated version, to live. If there were any issues, we would look to resolve these or advise an alternative solution. You can view our hosting and care plans here.

Envious digital offer a range of website services

Are WordPress sites easy to edit yourself?

This probably depends on who has developed it, but Envious Digital create clear layouts within pages that are labelled by the section type so that going in…

and editing text or changing images is easy. For more complex tasks, we also provide a playlist on YouTube of short video tutorials to allow our clients to self-administer as much as possible. We are always here to lend a hand as well if time or resources are short.

Envious digital offer a range of website services

Is there a limit on the size of a WordPress developed website?

The speed and performance of a website is largely down to the type of hosting service it sits on. But, as WordPress’ core infrastructure has a lot of functionality…

‘off the shelf’, the database can become inflated when there is too much in it. This is fine for pages though as they are lightweight, but for eCommerce stores, we wouldn’t recommend going above 10,000 products without either looking at separating the database or looking at a bespoke solution. You can find out more about our hosting solutions here, and read about bespoke development here.

Bespoke Development

Configure websites with Envious Digital

Will we own our product once it is completed?

Yes. With bespoke development, upon completion, we hand the source code and IP over to our clients meaning you can prove ownership and aren’t…

beholden to any one particular agency.

Configure websites with Envious Digital

Do you have quality control and testing processes?

Yes. The project is planned out in detail at the very beginning and a clear, detailed specification document is also produced. We test our work internally…

prior to handing it over to our clients for beta release, at which point, they are given the tools to be able to test against the specification and report any bugs or amendments that may exist. This is standard practice with all of our projects and results in a smooth experience without frustrating episodes that can be difficult to communicate back to us.

Configure websites with Envious Digital

Are bespoke websites editable by the client?

They certainly can be. During the initial consultation, we will ask the questions that need to be answered in order for us to include things such as…

a CMS editor within the specification.

Configure websites with Envious Digital

Are bespoke websites scalable in the future?

Absolutely. We develop in the most commonly used languages and ensure that our code is ‘tidy’. Change control is documented in GitHub meaning that…

future development is as simple as possible.

Configure websites with Envious Digital

Are bespoke development projects a lot bigger than open sourced?

Not always. For example, we wrote a simple piece of software that allowed a private jet charter company to search their database of available jets…

and automatically build a quotation, which was then emailed to their customer.

Beta Release

Hosting your website and keeping it secure

Do you charge for changes requested during beta release?

The purpose of the specification is to explain in detail how the site will work. If we have not included anything that should be there, then of course…

we will rectify this as part of the original costs. The only things that would need to be charged an extra cost would be things required that hadn’t previously been included.

Hosting your website and keeping it secure

I struggle to communicate exactly what I mean and prefer face-to-face. Is that okay?

Absolutely! Whilst using BugHerd to provide feedback is the easiest way for us to collaboratively keep track of conversations, we also find that jumping…

on a video call where we can both share our screens and explain what we mean directly can be more effective. We can then use BugHerd for the more menial comments instead.

Hosting your website and keeping it secure

How long do I have the site for during beta release?

This is generally agreed upon at an earlier stage and when we provide the timelines for all key milestones for the project. It’s normally based on the size…

of the project and can also take into account staff holidays or workloads. The average time is normally two weeks, so plenty of time for you to really gather your thoughts and allow colleagues to provide their feedback too.

Hosting your website and keeping it secure

What happens if I need longer than the originally agreed time for beta release?

Whilst we encourage people to plan their time to make sure they have the time needed and keep the project’s launch date on track, we appreciate that…

unforeseeable circumstances can prevent them from doing that. If this happens, simply let your Account Manager know as early as possible and we will move the dates around with as little disruption to the launch date as possible.

Hosting your website and keeping it secure

Am I able to talk directly to the design or developer on specific things?

Yes. When a new task is raised on Bugherd, our whole team has visibility. Your Account Manager will be able to assign it to the appropriate member…

of our team and if they need to speak to you directly, they will be able to respond to you on the individual task. This will then trigger an email notification to you with the link to view the original task raised and respond to them directly. We also welcome and encourage video conference calls for bigger chats!


Call Envious Digital and speak to someone today

What is a desktop app as opposed to a mobile app?

Desktop apps are required when they use data that can’t be accessed online or in the cloud meaning it pulls information from a local server or database…

They are also used when the functionality needed isn’t quite as simple, or is not able to be presented on a mobile device.

Call Envious Digital and speak to someone today

Why would an App benefit my business?

Offering an application presents the brand in good steed and provides value for money. Many types of businesses now create applications to make their customers…

feel valued or to provide them with an additional feature that they can use on the move.

Call Envious Digital and speak to someone today

I already have a website that stores information. Can an app connect to the same data source?

Yes! If your application needs to deliver real-time information that is inputted or stored somewhere else, we can…

normally connect to the one data source to keep everything up to date across both destinations.

Call Envious Digital and speak to someone today

Can you create an app that only specifically allowed people can access?

Yes. There would be two ways to do this. The first would be to install the app directly onto the user’s device rather than through the app store, or the other…

would be to have a login area on the splash page that is connected to a database of allowed users.

Call Envious Digital and speak to someone today

Do you develop generic applications for iOS and also Android?

We only develop native apps that are specific to the device type. This is because the coding is different, and Apple quality checks all apps before they…

are allowed on their app store. As the output can differ between device manufacturers, it is always best to develop specifically for that platform.


“Envious Digital takes the time to explain anything in a way that is understandable, regardless of how complex the topic.”

Be happy to promote your website


Envious Digital provides consultation through to website design and development. Here is just a selection of our work

ION Science

ION Science distributor dashboard client login area

Envious Digital worked with ION Science to create a portal for their Distributors to access information, take exams and download resources. The site has many roles and capabilities, restricting certain information depending on the user’s access level.

Read more >

Idox Group PLC

Idox group home page wordpress design

Envious Digital has partnered with Idox to create multiple websites to promote their products and services and provide information to their investors and shareholders. Their main website is featured here. 

Read more >


Cutting edge uk research RITICS home page security

Imperial College London instructed Envious Digital to design and develop a site to keep members up to date on their cyber security research project RITICS.

Read more >



In an ever changing digital environment, Envious Digital aim to write and publish informative articles to help keep businesses up to date with important changes in technology, as well as interesting insights on specific topics, and of course, keep you up to date with what’s going on in our world.

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