Envious Digital provides consultation, design, and development services for websites, software, and applications. Beta release is an exciting stage where our clients finally get to see the finished result for testing and providing feedback.
Beta release is such an important part of the development process, and one of the most exciting times for our clients! Once our team has completed the process of the initial consultations, specification production, design, and of course development, the product is finally ready to be submitted to our clients.
Envious Digital utilises a visually aided system called BugHerd for our clients to provide their feedback in a systematic and efficient manner, collecting comments, providing us with screenshots automatically, and crucially the unique URL of the area being discussed.
It’s our client’s chance to fully experience the completed product, compare it against the specification, and ensure it meets the needs of the deliverables.

Forget writing multiple emails, sending word documents, getting confused with what you have already commented on, or whether colleagues have already provided feedback on the same thing.
Bugherd provides a visual interface of the website and allows clients to click anywhere on the screen, add a comment, attach a document, assign a task to a specific member of our team and also use the then-created ticket as a conversation area. To see how easy it is to use, we have included BugHerd’s own tutorial video for clients.

Envious Digital provides consultation through to website design and development. Here is just a selection of our work
ION Science
Envious Digital worked with ION Science to create a portal for their Distributors to access information, take exams and download resources. The site has many roles and capabilities, restricting certain information depending on the user’s access level.
Idox Group PLC
Envious Digital has partnered with Idox to create multiple websites to promote their products and services and provide information to their investors and shareholders. Their main website is featured here.
Perfect Teams
Envious Developed an algorithm within this bespoke application to create profiles within teams of staff to compare their character types.
In an ever changing digital environment, Envious Digital aim to write and publish informative articles to help keep businesses up to date with important changes in technology, as well as interesting insights on specific topics, and of course, keep you up to date with what’s going on in our world.