Your Carbon Footprint

You might not believe it, but all websites have their own carbon footprint. So of course we want to keep this at a minimum. We’ve run tests on our own website to look at the results. As of today, the 4th of April 2023, only produces 0.35g of CO2 every time someone visits our home page and is running on sustainable energy. It is also 63% cleaner than all websites tested on which measures the carbon footprint of websites. Test yours today and see where you can improve!

of CO2

We’ve experienced a lot of large websites over the years and the main thing we like to catch up with all clients about is outdated content they have across their site. This could be images in the media library, irrelevant news posts, and redundant pages. All of these things could be affecting your website’s load speed and also your Google ranking. 

You are fully able to run and download a backup of your site before you do this. Start off by going through all your blog posts. If they’re older than 2 years old and aren’t of importance anymore, draft or even delete them! They could affect the ranking of the latest and most important posts you want to reach your target audience. Deleting them also helps create space in your storage. After you’ve cleaned them all up, go through and delete any images that were used in those posts – you no longer need them! Don’t forget you have a backup of your site if you did want them back. Repeat this process with your pages. 

When a page or post has been deleted, make sure you have set up a redirect from its URL to something that is relevant or that the user will want to read instead. Your developers will be able to help you out with this or try watching this youtube video.

However, if you have some old news posts which you want to keep as they reflect your brand, simply give them a refresh. Read over your news post and update its content. For example, if you’re trying to explain to your viewers how important website security is and what new technologies have come about, adjust the content to reflect these. This change will be picked up by Google and it will crawl it multiple times and return it in future searches. Don’t forget, if you have been linking to external links, update these too. No one likes being redirected to something old! 

Now, onto plugins! Every site requires a different range of plugins. We understand that clients like to install their own plugins and have a bit of fun with their website which is fully acceptable. But, you don’t want to store unnecessary plugins if you don’t have to! Make sure that if you install a plugin, but then decide that it is no longer needed, delete it straight away. It’s important to monitor these kinds of things as they could become a major problem for you in the future. Plugins also need to stay up to date and if they are not, they can cause security issues. 

If you are unsure about doing any of these things yourself, we’re open to having new and current clients contact us to help you keep on top of these things. Contact us on 0203 0869 032 or email us at for a quick site clean-up audit and quote!

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